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Torino ST600 Hybrid

Pardon our dust while our web site is under construction.

We are working on our web site to bring you the latest information on the Torino hydrid series molding machines. For additional information, please download the Torino and Modena brochures.

Contact our sales department for additional information.

Download the lastest Torino and Modena brochures:
Torino Thermoplastic Injection Molding: Unitaly_IMM EN_v2_10MB_s1
Modena Extrusion Blow Molding: Modena_ExtrusionBlowMolding_s1
Used Thermoplastic Molding Machinery:

Video: Torino ST250 High-speed/In Mold Label (IML) Molding Machinery:
Video: Torino ST200 Molding Machinery:

Our web site is under construction.








Trade Shows

Plastimagen 2017
Centro Banamex
Mexico City
November 7-10, 2017
Featuring: Torino Hybrid Molding Machines